

Everything you need to know about booking with SAS. Still got Questions?

Do the lessons include a lift pass?
Lift passes are not included in our ski or snowboard lessons.
What lift pass will I need for the lessons?
Depending on which area of the Niseko United Resort you’re heading to, requirements will vary. We’re always here to help, Get in touch for more info about lift passes in your resort, and for your specific lesson.
What if I need to cancel?
We understand that life happens and things pop up. In the event of cancellation by you for whatever reason, please take a look at our Terms & Conditions.
What happens if we miss a day of lessons?
We are always sorry if you cannot make the lessons that you have booked, but if you do not attend the lesson on the day without 48hr prior notice, we cannot give a refund for the missed lesson or reschedule. We are happy to provide a letter for your insurance company in this instance.
When do I need to pay?
We do require payment in full at the time of booking. If you’ve enquired and received a quote, we will hold your quoted lessons for 1 day.